All gift voucher codes are valid for one year, the booking must be made within the validity date or within the year from the issue date. No extension can be given. Gift vouchers cannot be refunded or redeemed for a cash alternative, but they can be regifted to another individual. The cancellation and rescheduling policy for classes booked using a gift voucher still applies and can be rescheduled no more than one time and only if it falls within the rescheduling and cancellation time frame stated in the terms and conditions. All other terms and conditions apply to classes booked using a gift voucher. Please see our terms and conditions for more info.

Class/Course Gift Voucher

This gift voucher is valid for classes and courses at Sheen Pottery Studio and cannot be redeemed in the shop or gallery.

Using this class/course gift voucher you can gift the experience of learning to craft your own pottery. Purchasing the gift card creates a unique digital code for you to give to the lucky recipient, which they can then redeem on whatever class or course they wish, you can also add a personalised message! The gift card recipient can enter this code at checkout to subtract the gift card value from their order total. You can choose to either forward the gift card to the recipient or print it off.

The gift card is valid for one year from date of purchase.

£60 - Covers one space on adult and child class.

£90 - Taster session for throwing or hand building.

£120 - Covers two people for adult and child class.

£150 - One to One personalised session.

£180 - Covers the cost of two spaces on a taster session.

£250 - Covers the cost of a two to one.

£330 - Covers the cost of a 6 week hand building course

£360 - Covers the cost of a 6 week throwing course.